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Alli - A New Drug for Weight Loss,
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Orlistat helps overweight adults (age 18 years and older) to lose weight. You
should only take it when you are eating healthy, lowfat foods with fewer calories. In the past, you could only buy orlistat with a prescription from your doctor. Now you can buy orlistat at most pharmacies over the counter as " alli."


It has been found that many people do not keep taking orlistat after a few months. There are 2 reasons for this. Either orlistat has not been very helpful with losing weight, or people find out that they don’t like the side effects.

All medicines have side effects. If you decide to use orlistat, it is important
to understand how this medicine works and how it can affect you. Remember that the best way to reach a healthy weight is through making changes in the way you live day to day. Eating healthy foods and being more active is the best way to lose weight safely and permanently.


How does orlistat work?

• Orlistat works in your intestines. It stops some of the fat in the food you eat from being digested and absorbed. This unabsorbed fat passes out of your body in your bowel movements. This helps lower the number of calories you take in and helps you lose weight.

• You should eat low-fat foods (less than 30% of calories from fat at each meal) while taking orlistat. This will help you lower your chances of having unwanted side effects as well as help keep the weight off.

Do not use orlistat:

• If a doctor or other health care professional has said you have problems
digesting food and absorbing nutrients.

• If you are taking cyclosporine (a medicine to prevent rejection in people
who have had organ transplants).

• If you are pregnant or breastfeeding
your baby.

• If you are already at a healthy weight.

• If you are under age 18.

• Orlistat may not be right for you if you have gallbladder problems, kidney
stones, or pancreatitis, or if you are taking warfarin or Coumadin® (blood
thinning medicine), or medicine for diabetes or thyroid disease.

If any of these apply to you, check with your doctor first before taking orlistat.

What are the common side effects from taking orlistat?

• Because orlistat stops the digestion and absorption of fat in your intestines, you will likely have changes in your bowel habits. You may have gas with oily spotting or loose stools. You could also have more frequent bowel movements that may be hard to control. These side effects might go on as long as you use orlistat. Or, the side effects may go away after your body gets used to the medication.

• The more low-fat foods you eat, the less chance you will have side effects. Taking a daily fiber product may also help lessen side effects.

How much weight will I lose by taking orlistat?

• The amount of weight you lose will depend on 3 things: taking orlistat on a
regular basis, sticking to low-calorie
and low-fat foods, and doing more
physical activity such as walking every day.

• For every 5 pounds you lose from diet alone, orlistat can help you lose 2-3 pounds more. During studies of orlistat in people who were overweight, most people lost 5-10 pounds over 6 months. Weight loss from orlistat tends to level off after about 6 months of use.

• If you do not lose at least 4 pounds in the first month of using orlistat, you should consider stopping orlistat. This is a sign that orlistat is not a good choice to help you with losing weight.

What else should I know about taking orlistat?

• The recommended amount to take (the dose) is 1 capsule (60 mg) with each meal that has fat in it. Do not take more than 3 capsules in one day.

• Your body won’t absorb or use some vitamins very well as a result of taking orlistat. It is important to also take 1 multivitamin pill each day. It is best to take this at bedtime, or at least 2 hours before or after taking orlistat.

• If you get bad stomach pain or cramps, stop using orlistat and talk with your
doctor right away. This may be a sign of a serious medical condition.


How can I get more information about managing my weight?

• Talk with your doctor.

• Five a day

• Healthy Food Choices

• Diets Don't Work

Word List

bowel (also called the large intestine): the lower parts of the digestive system.

bowel movements: going to the bathroom and to release the digested food.

diabetes: when sugar in the blood is higher than it should be.

gallbladder: the sack where bile is kept. Bile aids in the digestion of fats.
Stopping the flow of bile out of the gallbladder causes gallbladder disease.

kidney: an organ that cleans the blood and makes urine.

kidney stones: a solid mass of tiny crystals in the kidney.

nutrients: the vitamins, minerals, and other parts of food important to your


orlistat (alli™): “or lis tat” is a drug to help you lose weight. alli is a drug
company name for orlistat.
over the counter medicine: (also called nonprescription medicine) that does not need a doctor’s approval to buy.

pancreas: a gland that produces chemicals that are important for digestion.

pancreatitis: a disease when the pancreas does not work right.
prescription: a written form signed by a doctor for a medicine.

thyroid: a gland whose function is to control things such as digesting food.
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