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Bladder Cancer Symptoms:Bladder cancer characteristically causes blood in the urine; this may be visible to the naked eye (frank hematuria) or detectable only by microscope (microscopic hematuria). Other possible symptoms of bladder cancer include pain during urination, frequent urination (Polyuria) or feeling the need to urinate without results. These signs and symptoms are not specific to bladder cancer, and are also caused by non-cancerous conditions, including prostate infections and cystitis. Kidney cancer also can cause hematuria.
  • Blood in the urine {hematuria}:Usually Blood in the urine is the first sign of bladder cancer.The urine may have a slightly pink or orange hue, or it may be bright red with or without clots.If there any changes in urine color, then that person need to take health check up as soon as possible.

  • Pain or burning during urination without evidence of urinary tract infection

  • Change in bladder habits, such as having to urinate more often or feeling the strong urge to urinate without producing much urine.
If anyone have any of these symptoms, they should check up with the doctor right away. People who can see blood in their urine, especially older males who smoke, are considered to have a high likelihood of bladder cancer until proven otherwise.

Bladder cancer often causes no symptoms until it reaches an advanced state that is difficult to cure. Therefore, you may want to talk to your health-care provider about screening tests if you have risk factors for bladder cancer. Screening is testing for cancer in people who have never had the disease and have no symptoms but who have one or more risk factors.

In Brief........
Possible signs of bladder cancer include blood in the urine or pain during urination.

These and other symptoms may be caused by bladder cancer. Other conditions may cause the same symptoms. A doctor should be consulted if any of the following problems occur:

  • Blood in the urine (slightly rusty to bright red in color).
  • Frequent urination, or feeling the need to urinate without being able to do so.
  • Pain during urination.
  • Lower back pain.
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