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Johnny Depp
It's hard to believe it all started with 21 Jump Street. If Hollywood was a long-jump, then Johnny Depp has jumped far beyond the sandpit. Platoon, Donnie Brasco, Pirates, Blow, Sweeney Todd, and now Public Enemies -- Johnny Depp can pretty much do anything. The fact that he's had a champagne bubble bath with Kate Moss and used to enjoy the odd hotel trashing only makes him cooler. We'd love talk to him about his movies over whiskey, and then throw chairs around a Ritz Carlton room with him.Here are the some of the newest and hottest pictures of Johnny Depp hairstyles and get new ideas for your hair style that makes you looks like your favorite Celebrity Johnny Depp .See Johnny Depp hot pics Photo Gallery and his latest pictures, Hot pics and Wallpapers.Follow the celebrities to see what accessories they are wearing on the red carpet, at fashion shows, on the set and at other appearances.Find the latest news, pictures, and opinions about this Hot celebrity.

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Johnny DeppJohnny Depp
Johnny DeppJohnny Depp
Johnny DeppJohnny Depp

Johnny DeppJohnny DeppJohnny DeppJohnny Depp
Johnny DeppJohnny Depp
Johnny DeppJohnny Depp
Johnny DeppJohnny Depp
Johnny DeppJohnny Depp

Johnny DeppJohnny Depp

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