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You won't believe this, but Kim Kardashian recently posed for a few photos - in a bikini!

Due to the rarity of this occurrence, the professional celebrity felt a need to Tweet a handful of pictures from the shoot to her followers, accompanied by the humble words: "HOT HOT HOT! Not even retouched yet!"

She also refers to her swimsuits as "SUPER SEXY & EDGY!"

Do you agree? Or is the bathing suit not exactly what catches your attention in the images below...

Tantalizing Tweet

Kim Kardashian Bikini Pictures

Looks like those pastries Kim consumed on Monday played no factor on her body fat. She Tweeted earlier this week:

"OK I have a photo shoot in 2 days and it's not funny how many beignets I have eaten, this is not ok."

Sure it is, Kim.

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