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Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie has sparked fury among the fans of Patricia Cornwell's bestselling crime novels by being chosen to play its heroine Kay Scarpetta.

Many say Jolie is too 'glamorous' and 'exotic' looking to play the screen version of the medical examiner.

The character in 17 best selling books is a petite, middle-aged woman with short blonde hair - much like the 53-year-old author herself.

Angelina Jolie

Wrong for the part: Angelina Jolie, pictured in Paris today shooting scenes for her new film The Tourist, has upset fans of author Patricia Cornwell

Jolie is currently staying in Venice with partner Brad Pitt and their six children while she shoots her upcoming film The Tourist, which also stars Johnny Depp.

But while fans of the books are unhappy, Cornwell is pleased with the casting of Jolie, 34, with filming set to begin later this year.

'When Angelina came out of the left field last year, I was floored', said Cornwell.

The author admitted Jodie Foster was her first choice to play Dr Scarpetta, but the actress - one Hollywood's highest profile lesbians - turned the role down.

Cornwell met with Jolie on the set on her last film Salt to talk about the role.

She said she was impressed by Jolie's take on the character.

Jodie Foster
Patricia Cornwell

Jodie Foster (left) was the first choice to play Kay Scarpetta but turned it down and the part was offered to Angelina Jolie after Patricia Cornwell (right) met with her to discuss the role

'Angelina had pithy things to say about what she wanted to do', she said.

'She was direct and goal-oriented. She waited on everyone, getting them their lunch, while her own staff was seated. She was aware intuitively how other people were feeling and wanted to make them comfortable. It was not typical for people of her stature.'

But loyal fans of the books have blasted the choice of Jolie.

'I have read all of Cornwell's books -- some several times,' said Carol Samuel.

'Angie is all wrong to play Kay. Kay is a 'striking' woman. She has class. Angie's exotic looks would take away from the actual characters.

Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie

Parisian chic: Angelina looks striking in her cream outfit while filming in Paris, seemingly unaware of the furore surrounding her taking the role of Patricia Cornwell's heroine Kay Scarpetta

'The person to play Scarpetta should be between 40-45. She would have short brown hair. She is a very healthy woman so the actress should be "built".'

The message boards on Corwell's official website are filled with similar comments, with one fan writing: 'As much as I love Kay Scarpetta and Patricia Cornwell, I will not be watching this movie. She just does not fit the Scarpetta profile. Terrible choice!!'

Another added: 'I am so unhappy with the choice of Angelina Jolie. Kay Scarpetta is older and unglamorous. I have had every character pictured in my mind for years and she is so far off base.'

'Whose idea was it to cast Angelina? That really stinks. I'd put Jodie Foster in that spot!' a loyal fan chimed.

The character, who is based on former Virginia Chief Medical Examiner Marcella Fierro, married psychologist Benton Wesley in the 2008 installment.

The latest novel, The Scarpetta Factor, sees her take on the role of the New York City office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

Her life comes under threat as she becomes embroiled in a conspiracy involving a missing wealthy woman who has a secret connection with Scarpetta's gay niece Lucy.

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