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Katia Ivanova

The fur-lined Prada coat and white Chanel shift dress are packed away in boxes.

The diamond-studded silver necklace has disappeared and demands for vodka are conspicuous only by their absence. Instead, Ekaterina Ivanova is wearing a cropped T-shirt and her red nail varnish is chipped.

A pretty girl from Kazakhstan with gamine rather than beautiful features, she affects the air of a bored, young bohemian who has loftier concerns than the affair – with Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood – that made her name.

No regrets: Katya Ivanova insists that 'I loved Ronnie for who he was, not for his fame or money'

No regrets: Katya Ivanova insists that 'I loved Ronnie for who he was, not for his fame or money'

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