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Vara Denise BagsThe Italian designer Salvatore Ferragamo had one brilliant idea when starting up his business; if at first the brand referred exclusively to shoes, nowadays this is the name which represents a veritable empire of leather goods. One of the most fabulous Salvatore Ferragamo designs is Miss Vara Denise bag, which we are just about to discover!

Made 100% of calfskin, this magnificent bag features a single leather handle with loop details.
Add to that the concealed magnetic closure, a delicate nylon lining, three interior pockets, one of them with a zipper, and you’ll almost have the complete picture.
But the central element of this exquisite bag is actually the large logoed plaque on front, which attracts instantly the eyes and adds a little extra glamour.

Miss Vara Daisy top handle variant includes a removable shoulder snap with snap hook fastenings, beside the single leather handle with loop details common to this Ferragamo specific design.

There’s another model, made in python skin ($3,360), a more modern and luxurious one, with the guaranteed effect of making quite an impression. Turning python skin into an artistic bag is just another Ferragamo attitude when it comes to high class luxurious handbag.

You can purchase the Ferragamo bag designs from LuisaViaRoma.

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