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SRKWhile Farah Khan may have moved on to Akki with her 'Tees Maar Khan' but SRK has not forgotten his old friend.

The actor who is busy preparing for his superhero venture Ra1 surprised everyone when he told composer duo Vishal-Shekhar to allot their dates to Farah which they had blocked for Ra1.

However, the music directors couldn't delay SRK's film either, as Ra1 director Anubhav Sinha is eager to begin shooting. So the composers decided to work on both the films simultaneously.

Confirming the news Vishal told a leading tabloid, "Both Farah and SRK allow comfort and space for each other's recordings. So, both are being recorded simultaneously. Our dates and schedules are mapped out and pretty soild, so no issues there.

Luckily, the styles for both films are so different that we get to try new and different things for both. While Ra1 will have a more futuristic score, Tees Maar Khan will have a popular mainstream sound for the masses."

Meanwhile the King Khan is working hard to rebuild his six-pack abs. A source said, “SRK is on a strict diet for the film because he wants to get into a killer shape before he begins shooting for 'Ra1'."

A man with the heart of gold we would say!

SRK has not forgotten his old friend Farah Khan
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