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David Beckham

David Beckham isn't exactly renowned for his modesty after posing in his underwear alongside his lingerie-clad wife in the Emporio Armani adverts.

However, when it came to his latest tattoo, it appears the footballer was just too shy to have a naked woman on his arm.

Beckham's latest etching is inspired by a Renaissance painting of Cupid carrying his wife Psyche to Heaven.

But the AC Milan striker clearly didn't feel comfortable with Psyche's nether regions being on show, so altered the original design to protect her modesty.

David Beckham AC Milan

Painted man: David Beckham showed off his extensive tattoo collection - including his latest one on his left arm - at the AC Milan game on Saturday

David Beckham tattoo Cupid Psyche
Francesco Francia Psyche et L'Amour

Spot the difference: Beckham's tattoo has a veil across her nether regions, making it more modest than the original painting by Francesco Francia

The original painting was created by 15th century Italian artist Francesco Francia and included Psyche completely naked.

But Beckham asked for a veil to be placed across her nether regions, perhaps over fears it would be too rude for his young fans.

Beckham's latest tattoo is thought to be both a romantic tribute to his wife Victoria and his recent stint in Italy while he is currently on his second loan to AC Milan from Los Angeles Galaxy.

He showed off his new tattoo for the first time on Saturday as AC Milan drew nil-nil with Roma.


Got enough tattoos? Beckham is believed to have at least 18 tattoos in total

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