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Elen Rivas

She's been the face underwear brand Diamond Boutique for three months now and it seems Elen Rivas is becoming something of an expert at working the two piece.

For her latest lingerie shoot, footballer Frank Lampard's ex reclines on a bed in a pinstripe-style pair of knickers and bra, complete with red bows.

The mother-of-two completes her sultry look with a pair of cage heels, and wears her long hair in tumbling curls.

Elen Rivas

Smoking: WAG-turned-model Elen Rivas showcases lingerie from the Diamond Boutique range, available to buy at Tesco

Elen signed up as the face and body of Diamond Boutique - available to buy in Tesco - in December by entrepreneur and star of The Apprentice Michelle Mone.

Mone, who is also behind the Ultimo brand, was delighted to get Elen, 34, on board, making it the first modelling campaign for the Spanish-born star.

Miss Rivas - who until recently was known as Ms Rives, revealed recently how she took the modelling work in order to support herself since she split from Chelsea star Lampard last February.

Elen Rivas

All white: The ex of Frank Lampard was signed up last December

She has previously complained about how she has had to rein in her lavish lifestyle by cutting down on the amount of champagne she drinks and that she has to shop at cut-price high street store Primark because she is worried about saving money.

Miss Rivas is now living with her daughters, Luna, four, and two-year-old Isla, in a six-bedroom house that Lampard has bought for £2.85million overlooking Chelsea Harbour.

They ended their seven-year relationship in February last year after he was linked to other women.

Elen Rivas
Elen Rivas

Frilling: The mother of two is in great shape for the ads

As part of their split, he also agreed to pay maintenance for their two children.

But she has claimed she is struggling to adjust to life as a single mother but says that her impoverished upbringing has helped her cope.

Lampard is now dating One Show host Christine Bleakley.

Diamond Boutique’s Limitless Bra is available from Tesco and

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