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Sienna MillerSienna Miller is planning to move to America this summer to keep an eye on Jude Law.

The 28-year-old actress got back together with her ex-fiancé at the end of last year and wants to be with him while he works on his new movie, Contagion, alongside French actress Marion Cotillard and Kate Winslet.

Jude, 37, and Sienna are expected at the Oscars this weekend and a source says: ‘Sienna is determined to make it work with Jude this time.


Keeping tabs: Sienna Miller is moving to the States to be with fiancé Jude Law

‘She doesn’t want to let him out of her sight. She loves him and wants them to stay together, so she is prepared to move wherever he is.’

It sounds like a wise move. The last time Jude was away from her in America in 2005, while filming All The King’s Men, he slept with his children’s nanny.

Cash-strapped Fergie turns down easy money...

The cash-strapped Duchess of York has rejected lucrative TV appearances – including Strictly Come Dancing, I’m A Celebrity . . . Get Me Out Of Here! and Ready Steady Cook – in order to stay in the Royal fold.

‘She does not want to be on the wrong side of Her Majesty so she turned them all down, even though she was being offered very big fees,’ says a source.

The Duchess, 50, closed her New York media firm Hartmoor LLC last year with debts of more than £700,000 and she has been threatened with court action by no less than three firms.

Author: Denise Van Outen

Author: Denise Van Outen

A triple delivery for Denise, the mother to be...

Denise Van Outen was dropped from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s new BBC show Over The Rainbow after she told bosses she was pregnant, but she is determined not to let impending motherhood come in the way of her career.

The 35-year-old is to write three books about pregnancy.

‘Denise was discussing the books with an agent at Soho House,’ says a source.

'They have the working title of Bumpalicious.

'She’s started writing now that she has time off before the birth, then she plans to take two months to finish it.

'Her message is you don’t need to stop having fun just because you are pregnant.’

The books will cover nutrition, exercise and maternity fashion.

Beesley shows Ramsay who's boss...

He may be tough on his kitchen hopefuls, but Gordon Ramsay now knows better than to challenge Max Beesley.

The 43-year-old chef was dining with the actor recently – and as the wine flowed, so did the testosterone.

At one point, Ramsay playfully slapped Beesley, 38, in the face.

When he did it a second time, Beesley snapped. ‘He thumped Gordon hard on the nose and said, “Don’t ever do that again, boy,”’ says a fellow diner.

A spokesman for Ramsay says: ‘It was an arm-wrestling contest that got a bit boisterous. They are still friends.’

Telling all: Cheryl Cole is thinking about talking to Piers  Morgan

Telling all: Cheryl Cole is thinking about talking to Piers Morgan

Cheryl to talk to Uncle Piers...

Cheryl Cole is being lined up to tell all in a televised interview with Piers Morgan.

The singer who recently separated from husband Ashley, the Chelsea footballer, had been due to appear on Jonathan Ross’s BBC1 chat show but pulled out just a week before.

‘Cheryl will probably sing on Jonathan Ross but will not do an interview,’ says my TV insider.

‘Simon Cowell has told her she should give the sit-down chat to Piers. She wants the dust to settle a bit before she does it, though.’

Nancy Dell'Olio is on fire...

Nancy Dell’Olio has proved herself to be a liability in the kitchen.

The flamboyant Italian lawyer, who is taking part in Marco Pierre White’s Kitchen Burnout on ITV, accidentally left a bottle of olive oil on a hot stove and started a fire while filming last week.

‘When she lifted the bottle, the bottom fell out and the oil spilled everywhere and caught fire,’ reports an insider. ‘There was mayhem.’

Bea the snow bunny...

After taking her second skiing holiday in as many weeks, it seems Princess Beatrice, 21, is turning into quite the snow-bunny.

Prince Andrew’s eldest daughter, who is preparing to run the London Marathon next month, flew to Verbier with her boyfriend Dave Clark just a week after a family holiday to the luxurious Swiss resort for her father’s 50th birthday.

‘Beatrice and Dave nipped off for a romantic break,’ says my source. ‘It’s a fabulous way to keep her fit for the marathon and she hasn’t taken any time off university.’

Lady Gaga's fishy cravings...

Lady Gaga doesn’t travel light.

The 23-year-old singer had an entourage of eight at last week’s M.A.C Viva Glam event at Il Bottaccio in London’s Belgravia.

‘She had two bodyguards, a hairstylist, a dresser, two assistants, a make-up artist and a record company representative, just for one night,’ says a source.

Gaga also wanted Nobu sushi delivered to her hotel room.

‘Nobu don’t deliver but they did for Gaga.’

Lily falls out with Westwood...

Lily Allen’s attack on the fashion industry, claiming it was to blame for her body dysmorphia and weight issues, didn’t go down too well with Britain’s veteran designer Vivienne Westwood. Lily had moaned that she was told to have a cigarette instead of lunch on fashion shoots. But straight-talking Dame Vivienne said: ‘I think she needs to get a life. What is she doing? How can she be such a wimp? She shouldn’t be doing it if she feels like that.’ Perhaps Lily ought to stay quiet next time.

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