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Juliette Binoche

The 'Certified Copy' star - who has children Raphael, 16, and 10-year-old Hana from previous relationships - believe the sexes behave very differently when romantically involved, leading to a ritualistic "dance" of avoiding one another's weak points.

She explained: "I think that women open themselves up to the point of humiliation, whereas men put this intellectual shield up as a kind of self-protection.

"So we are constantly stepping around each other in this ornate, ritualised way. It's like a dance, isn't it?"

The 46-year-old actress also admits she struggles to maintain the right balance between focusing on her career and putting her children's interests first.

She explained in an interview with The Guardian newspaper: "When you have a passion, you need to express it. And the equilibrium is hard to find. But I wanted children and I chose to have children. My children were not accidents.

"I've always fought to have them with me, so they've lived in New York, South Africa, London. But they need stability for their studies. So I wouldn't say it's easy. Because when you work, you feel guilty. And when you don't work you feel guilty as well."

Juliette Binoche's relationship dance

Juliette Binoche believes women open themselves up to humiliation in relationships.

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