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Katy Perry isn't quite finished with the girls just yet.

The queen of quirky pop rock, whose debut hit "I Kissed A Girl" was the song of summer in 2008, just dropped her newest single that should be the jam we can't shut off this summer. Entitled "California Gurls" (yes, "Gurls" is misspelled for a reason though not sure exactly what it is) the subject matter is once again a paean to lovely ladies; in particular ones from the Santa Barbara native's homestate of California.

My verdict? The recently engaged, soon-to-be Mrs. Russell Brand has another grand slam hit of the season on her hands. Enlisting Snoop Dogg and "I Kissed" hitsculptor Dr. Luke, the song bounces into your brain and stays with lyrics paying tribute to such assets as "daisy dukes" with "bikinis on top" and "sunkissed skin so hot" it will "melt your popsicle." And if you wanna assign blame? Even Perry muses, "There must be something in the water." Finally a jam to knock out that other Dr. Luke-helmed infectious pop gem, Ke$ha's now-annoying "Tik Tok" into the music history books and off the radio!


But before we end, why exactly did Perry tackle this weighty subject matter on her comeback track? She just explained to Rolling Stone, "It’s so great that 'Empire State of Mind’ is huge and that everyone has the New York song, but what the f**k? What about L.A.? What about California? It’s been a minute since we had a California song and especially from a girl’s perspective. We took the references of Prince, which is always a great reference, and some of the ’90s, almost house music references.”

Well, I'll take some "gin and juice" instead of Jack Daniels with that, thank you very much. And you? Check out the next song we will all be oh-so-sick of by the time fall arrives at KatyPerry.com. And don't worry: The full album, Perry's second disc, drops in the middle of the summer heat.

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