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Janice DickinsonJust two weeks ago Janice Dickinson had men running for cover when she declared: ‘I am so single.’

At that time she joked she had Simon Cowell in her sights – or at least his black Amex card.

But it seems she has settled for another man, who judging by these pictures taken on the beach in Malibu this weekend is considerably younger than the 54-year-old former model.

janice dickinson

Not looking bad for a 54-year-old: Janice Dickinson walks on the beach in Malibu in a one-pice with a new man

Dressed in a one-piece black swimsuit , she shows off her enviable figure as she walks along the sand in the sunshine yesterday clutching a bottle of water.

Her new love interest was at her side in a pair of knee length khaki shorts.

It’s the second time that Janice - who coined the phrase 'supermodel' in the 1970s - has been pictured with the same man in the last week.

A few days ago the pair were dressed up to the nines on the red carpet for the final of American Idol.

janice dickinson

The former model prefers the company of younger men

janice dickinson

Janice stands over her new guy as he washes the sand off his feet after a day on the beach

For Janice - who claims to have had over 1000 lovers – that must mean things are getting serious.

‘I was the wildest model ever. Famous people wanted to sleep with me,’ she has boasted in the past.

Amongst her former conquests are Jack Nicholson, Warren Beatty and Mick Jagger.

She also claims to have had a threesome with Grace Jones and Dolph Lundgren.

The former America’s Top Model presenter has already been married three times and has a son Nathan, 26, and a daughter Savannah.

Earlier this year she split from fireman Alex Abdalla - 22 years her junior.

janice dickinson

Second time in a week: Janice and the same mystery man on the red carpet

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