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No woman likes to have hair on her face, especially dark hair as they are very prominent. Given below are various ways by which you can get rid of unwanted facial hair.

Threading and waxing
Threading and waxing are two most common terms associated with women’s beautification of herself. Both these two treatments are ways of getting rid of unwanted facial hair, either above the lip or in chin, near eyebrows or on the entire face. These days’ facial waxes have been introduced in markets to provide women with a much desired clean and smooth face.

Electrolysis is the only FDA and AMA approved method to get rid of facial hair permanently. During electrolysis, a small needle is inserted into the hair follicle and the growth center is wiped out chemically or thermally. It is vitally important to find a highly trained, recommended electrologist to get rid of your facial hair; lesser technicians with shoddy equipment will take your money without permanently getting rid of your facial hair. Also, don’t bother with a home electrolysis kit--it’s kind of like buying a home appendix removal kit. In the end, electrolysis is a highly effective, yet expensive, method to get rid of facial hair.

Laser hair removal is one the most effective and long-lasting methods for getting rid of facial hair. As with electrolysis, go to a professional that comes highly recommended and wouldn’t mind providing references . . . because they are going to be destroying your hair follicles with a laser. Because the procedure works through melanin (pigment), it is vastly more effective for light-skinned, dark-haired women. So, if you have dark skin or feel naked without your tan, laser hair removal probably isn’t for you. Be patient with this method--you’ll need to suffer a few sessions for results, and your hair may begin growing back and then wither.

A smooth upper lip

For mustache removal, waxing is often the method of choice. Big beauty salons often have a waxing section where technicians work on facial and leg hair, underarms and the bikini line. When you go in, the technician applies hot wax to an area of skin with a wooden spatula. After the wax hardens, the technician pulls it off. Waxing keeps the mustache area hair-free for about six weeks. The new hair that grows in is usually soft and silky. Some women find waxing painful, though. And it can irritate the tender skin above the lip.


Sugaring is similar to waxing without the tremendous pain, and it is a great way to get rid of facial hair. Sugaring is ages old, and many recipes abound online, or you can buy a cheap, environmentally friendly product from Moom. The sugaring concoction sticks to hair instead of skin, so the process is nothing like the scream-in-horror waxing of old. Sugaring should be done on dry, clean skin. Results should last for up to four weeks.


Bleaching does not actually remove the hair. It lightens the hair colour so it appears blonde or golden. Several highlights of hair bleach make it an appealing choice for some women - it is accessible, quick and, best of all, painless. All hair bleach kits come with two essential components: the actual hair bleach mixture, which is most often in cream form, and the activator mixture, which is always in powder form. Follow the instructions to obtain the proper proportion of bleach to activator.

Threading is a great way to shape eyebrows, but it is also effective at getting rid of facial hair. You’re probably not going to find a salon that does threading in small-town America, but this ancient hair removal technique is quickly spreading. With this method, two pieces of cotton are used to literally pluck the hair from the root. While it sounds similar to tweezing, it is much quicker and far less painful. Also, a skilled practitioner of threading will leave less chance of an ingrown hair or infection--especially if you utilize an antibacterial afterwards. Again, find an experienced practitioner; those who do it for a living are faster, kinder, and produce better results.

Along with trying out various cosmetic options from threading to waxing to bleaching, there are certain home made remedies to prevent excess growth of facial hair. The latter is usually a result of high testosterone in woman’s body and the level of this hormone can be naturally lowered through intake of spearmint tea. In addition, medical science has advanced far ahead and methods like laser therapy can also be leveraged for attainment of clean, clear, hair-less and a beautiful face.

Words of caution: Never combine the two until you are ready to begin bleaching; immediately discard any unused portions and never mix the two together in any kind of a metal bowl or container. Whatever bleach you get, be sure to do a patch test. Instructions for the patch test come with the kit. If no redness, irritation or eruption occurs, you can proceed with the full application.

To date, no evidence has been presented of harmful effects of bleaching to the skin. However, the bleaching agents that lighten the hair can also alter the pigment in the skin. This can result in a change to the skin texture, making it thicker, coarser and sometimes darker.

Prescription Treatments that Get Rid of Unwanted Facial Hair

Vaniqa (Eflonithine) is an FDA approved topical prescription medication that doesn’t get rid of facial hair, but it significantly slows down facial hair growth. Vaniqa inhibits hair growth by blocking an enzyme that fosters hair production. Vaniqa is best used in tandem with one of the facial hair removal methods above; it can greatly reduce the amount of times you’ll need to sugar, pluck, or drop cash on more expensive schemes. The results of Vaniqa vary greatly: for some it hardly works, while others report that their hair stopped growing after a number of months. Like nearly all hair removal methods, once you stop the treatment, your hair production will revert back to what it once was.

If facial hair growth is caused by an excess of male hormones (hirsutism) or a hormonal imbalance, oral contraceptives and antiandrogens may be prescribed. Hormonal problems such as hirsutism are more common than people think; up to 12% of all women experience the disorder at some point in their lives. Again, these prescriptions can and should be used alongside other hair removal methods for optimum results.

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous Said,

    Excellent blog post on removal of unwanted facial hairs. Thanks for nice description about bleaching and threading. I have found the right answer of issue on how to remove unwanted facial hair smoothly and easily from this article. Thanks for your nice blogging skill.

    Posted on June 18, 2010 at 3:36 PM


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