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Like blackheads, white heads too are formed in the skin where skin cells clog and close a hair follicle. It's small and appears on the outer layer of the skin like a raised white bump. In medical terms it is known as a closed comedone.

Though they don't look as ugly as blackheads but if they set in the skin deep, they can create problem to you. All such things as black heads and white heads spoil the texture of your skin by showing it non smooth and lustrous. You need to look after the skin to prevent it from getting whiteheads and if you already have them then you need to workout to remove them. They usually appear on the sides of the nose, cheekbones and where the skin is fine.

How to remove whiteheads: first thing you should do to your skin is drinking lots of water, which removes the toxins from the skin and keeps whiteheads at bay.

  • Wash off your face with mild cleansers and use mild scrubbers on your skin at least thrice a week. If you apply scrubbers on the skin after taking mild steam in the skin, they go off sooner as it softens the skin and opens up the pores. But always apply skin toner after cleaning the skin to close the pores. You can even rub an ice cube on the skin wrapped in a cotton cloth to block the pored after steaming.
  • Use creams and gels, which contain alpha Hydroxyl fruit acids. They help in unclogging the pores to remove the whiteheads.
  • Never squeeze or forcibly remove the whiteheads otherwise you will get a scar or skin infection. Take professional help if the problem cannot be tackled by you.
  • Apply homemade scrubbers made by fruit peels. Dry orange peels in the sun and make a powder of them by grinding them. Add rosewater and milk cream to this powder and apply on the skin. Wash it off while rubbing it in the wrong direction when it's half dried. It will make the skin clear, smooth and will remove the whiteheads.
  • Rubbing lemon peel on the skin helps in reducing whiteheads.
  • Use medicated soaps and cleansers on the skin and apply oil free moisturizers.
  • Drink fresh fruit juices and drink a glass of warm water with some lemon juice into it first thing in the morning. It helps in detoxifying the skin.
  • Soak almonds in the water overnight, in the morning grind them and make a paste. Add honey to it and massage it on the face for few minutes. Leave it on the skin for 5-10 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water. It cleans away the white heads to some extent.

Try all such methods to keep away the white heads from the skin still if the problem persist then seek medical or professional help of a dermatologist.

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1 Comment

  1. Unknown Said,

    thanks for this advice..its helpful

    Posted on April 10, 2009 at 2:36 AM


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