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For African American women, with their naturally black hair, there are lots of styles that they can fashion their hair. There are a number of short hairstyles that suit the characteristics of the African American women. Think Rihanna and you know how they can look fashionable. Really short hair with some wisps and bangs that are swept away look really nice. Soft black straight or curly hair looks great for this style.

Rihanna Short Black Hair

Rihanna Short Black Hair

Medium hairstyles also look great on them, especially those who are above 30 years of age. They can be fashioned to enclose the face and give it an angel look or they can be styled back. The bangs can be long and pushed to a side or even a medium length bob with a razored look makes them look extremely fashionable.

Halle Berry Medium Black Hair

Halle Berry Medium Black Hair

Long hairstyles can look very great for those having straight or curly hair. Straight hair can be achieved by using tongs and using a heat protecting serum. They can even have fringes and color their hair in a gradual color. Two tones of brown and black look great.

Leona Lewis Curly Black Hair

Leona Lewis Curly Black Hair

Those who wish to braid their hair can now do so. There are a number of braiding styles that are available. They also help to keep frizzy hair under control. These look great and can be worn for office environment.

Alicia Keys Hairstyle

Alicia Keys Hairstyle

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