THE TISSUE TEST:Wash your face with a neutral (not made for a particular skin type) soap or cleanser (such as Neutrogena for normal skin). Rinse with water. Pat try with a towel just enough to absorb moisture do not rub. Wait one hour, and then blot your entire face with one ply (or layer) of a large facial tissue. Press lightly all over your face and leave for about one minute. Then remove the paper carefully and examine it near a window or a light.
What do you see?
• If you see oil throughout the tissue, you most likely have oily skin.
• If you see oil only in the T‐zone (across forehead, down nose and chin), you most likely have combination skin.
• If you see very little oil throughout, you most likely have normal skin.
• If you see no sign of oil at all, you most likely have dry skin.
• If your skin feels irritated or slightly itchy, you most likely have sensitive skin.
You’ll need to perform this test several times a year‐during spring, summer and winter‐because your skin changes with the seasons.
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