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Colin FarrellHere are the some of the newest and hottest pictures of Colin Farrellhairstyles and get new ideas for your hair style that makes you looks like your favorite Celebrity Colin Farrell .See Colin Farrell Photo Gallery and his latest pictures, Hot Wallpapers.

Colin Farrell With black hat

Colin Farrell's long hair style with Bosnian director Danis Tanovic (R) a news conference to present the film "Triage" in Alicante May 14, 2008. Farrell plays a photojournalist in Tanovic's dark drama "Triage." Tanovic, whose "No Man's Land" won the Oscar for foreign-language film in 2002, directs from his own adaptation of Scott Anderson's novel.
Irish actor Colin Farrell holds his award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical Or Comedy for his role in "In Bruges," as he arrives at the NBC Universal Golden Globes after party in Beverly Hills, California


Colin FarrellColin Farrell back drop hair style
Colin FarrellColin Farrell on vacation
Colin FarrellColin Farrell posing for magzine
Colin FarrellColin Farrell picture
Colin FarrellColin Farrell wallpaper

Colin FarrellColin Farrell with tattoos on his right hand

Colin FarrellColin Farrell with french cut
Colin FarrellColin Farrell with tattoos on his left hand

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