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Elle Liberachi She’s known as an international model and frankly I’m not sure why she isn’t more famous. Now when I say she’s British I am referring to her nationality but we all know this broad is a true Italian and yeah I guess the name “Elle Liberachi” has some French in the first name.

But good lord what a combo huh? I’m surprised she isn’t like a triple D though considering the British part. Still though, when you have the Italian and blond hair mix, it’s rare in this world.

I’ll take that any day of the week.

Elle Liberachi

More of Elle after the jump

Elle Liberachi Elle Liberachi Elle Liberachi Elle Liberachi Elle Liberachi Elle Liberachi Elle Liberachi Elle Liberachi Elle Liberachi

Elle Liberachi Photos!!!

Who else has noticed this UK bombshell taking over Maxim and the world lately. Elle is a 23 year old model who does print and also works runway for Guess. Im thinking the hottest ladies of the modeling world need to watch their back because Elle is commin for yall's paychecks lol . The word from Maxim is that she is very comfortable being naked if you make her feel comfortable, I guess guys we need to make her feel at home and well get to see her naked, sounds like a great plan.


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