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funny girls

Seriously guys, just insert penis jokes across this entire article. I’m not even going to attempt to hide anything (not as though I would need to). You’ve all seen my article on when female celebrities put food in their mouths right? Well, I’ve decided to take it a step further and get more specific.

No longer will I just do articles on all foods going into mouths and looking funny. I’ll go so far as to pick out specific foods that look kind of funny and awesome to be put in a female’s mouth.

What’s even better is when the females have a good sense of humor about it. And most girls you are about to see are troopers till the end….

Hot Dog Girls

Hot Dog Girls

It’s not so much the fake penis thing going on here. It’s the fact that there are two hot girls drinking wine and deciding to get silly. Leads me to believe that A. They are very easy to obtain and B. They’ve 100% engaged in lesbian activities more than once. Combine those two and you have great potential for a serious relationship.

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Hot Dog Girls Hot Dog Girls Hot Dog Girls Hot Dog Girls Hot Dog Girls Hot Dog Girls Hot Dog Girls Hot Dog Girls Hot Dog Girls Hot Dog Girls Hot Dog Girls Hot Dog Girls Hot Dog Girls

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