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 Kelly OsbourneHer dramatic weight loss has been the talk of New York Fashion Week, and now Kelly Osbourne has revealed the secrets behind her transformation.

The 23-year-old, who has waged a long, public battle with her weight since she shot to fame on her family reality show The Osbournes, is now slimmer than ever after overhauling her lifestyle.

She lost almost two stone during her appearance on America's Dancing With The stars last year, and while she expected to pile on the pounds after the competition ended, she has in fact continued to shrink.

Kelly Osbourne
Kelly Osbourne

Body makeover: Kelly Osbourne (left last night and right, in 2007) says nibbling on an apple before bedtime has helped her lose weight

She says her best diet tip is nibble on an half an apple before bed.

'I've completely changed the way I eat since doing Dancing With the Stars,' she told U.S. magazine Life & Style.

'A trick I've learned is to eat just a little bit of something that has no carbs and no sugar in it before you go to sleep because it keeps your metabolism going.

'They say you should never eat before you go to bed, but I've found just having a tiny little snack - like half an apple or something like that - before you go to sleep really helps.'

Kelly Osbourne
Kelly Osbourne
Kelly Osbourne

Toast of the town: The blonde wowed the New York Fashion Week crowd with her new knock-out figure

Kelly, who was once a Size 14, has kept up her dancing since coming third on the programme and is now also devotee of Pilates.

‘Pilates is amazing, my posture is so much better and I’m even starting to get muscles on my tummy - it’s incredible,' she has said.

The former wild child has been the unlikely toast of Fashion Week scene this year, winning over the notoriously tough crowd with her edgy ensembles.

She event took to the catwalk herself for Betsey Johnson and took part in a charity fashion show to raise money for Haiti last Friday.

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