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Kristy Ann

You can just tell by the front page to Kristy Ann’s Myspace Profile that she’s a “5 Second Girl.” In case you don’t know what this is, it’s a term I just came up with right now. A 5 second girl is the kind of female where within 5 seconds of penetration a male would be completely finished.

Hell if she made one of those faces at me and just hinted that her top would come off I wouldn’t even need to touch this female to be “done.” God bless the 5 second girl. Then again, what the hell do you do with

them the other 23 hours 59 minutes and 55 seconds of the day?

I guess reminisce.

Kristy Ann

More of Kristy after the jump

Kristy Ann Kristy Ann Kristy Ann Kristy Ann Kristy Ann Kristy Ann Kristy Ann Kristy Ann Kristy Ann

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