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Levi JohnstonRemember when there was a certain buzz surrounding Bristol Palin’s babydaddy? Yeah, neither do we.

A couple of months ago, we were teased with the thought of some full frontal Levi Johnston goodness, but he chickened out at the last minute. We’ve been had.

This whole photo shoot was a bust. Poor Levi. Hmph, not really.

The cover of the rag was just released today and Levi’s nude! But you still can’t see anything. LIES, all of it LIES. Cleverly titled, “Levi Johnston Goes Rogue”, the pictorial also includes an interview session with Levi. He talks about the struggles with the Palins and being a new father. Boring.

This issue hits newsstands on February 22nd, but I don’t expect anyone will be clamoring to buy a copy. Will you?

Levi Johnston

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