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Valentina DessiUm, does anyone here speak Spanish? Because for the life of me I can’t find a single bit of information on Valentina Dessi that isn’t in that language. All I do know about her, or at least what I can deduce is that she’s from Italy and is 20 years old.

But something tells me I can deduce other things as well. One. If those bad boys are real then whoever had the pleasure of making fun with them is my new hero. Two. Her face is kind of “mean,” which I absolutely love.

Three. It’s disturbing how good she looks in a bikini.
Here are the some of the newest and hottest pictures of Valentina Dessi hairstyles and get new ideas for your hair style that makes you looks like your favorite Celebrity Valentina Dessi .See Valentina Dessi hot pics Photo Gallery and her latest pictures, Hot pics and Wallpapers.Follow the celebrities to see what accessories they are wearing on the red carpet, at fashion shows, on the set and at other appearances.Find the latest news, pictures, and opinions about this Hot celebrity.
Valentina Dessi

More Dessi’s after the jump

Valentina Dessi Valentina Dessi Valentina Dessi Valentina Dessi Valentina Dessi Valentina Dessi Valentina Dessi Valentina Dessi Valentina Dessi

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