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Dimitra Alexandraki

The truth is I know little if anything about Dimitra Alexandraki. And the truth is I don’t need to know much to feature her on this website. She’s from Greece so that’s a plus. And she’s posed naked in Greece’s Maxim so that’s an even bigger plus.

Other than that, I think that’s all we need to know. But from my perspective? Her long hair, cute face, and very long and slender body make her a perfect candidate to be an extremely high maintenance girl. There’s nothing wrong with that if your plans are short term. Kind of like Penelope Cruz in the movie Blow


She’d have been perfect for about a week. But as you can see in the movie, a real life ruiner.

Dimitra Alexandraki

More of Dimitra after the jump

Dimitra Alexandraki Dimitra Alexandraki Dimitra Alexandraki Dimitra Alexandraki Dimitra Alexandraki Dimitra Alexandraki Dimitra Alexandraki Dimitra Alexandraki

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