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Kate Gosselin

Reality mother of eight, Kate Gosselin, is set to take on a new commitment, Dancing With The Stars!

I wonder how long she’s going to last on the show? I’ll give her about three episodes before she’s whacked right out of the competition. She doesn’t come across as too graceful, but I could be wrong here. Lord knows it wouldn’t be the firs

t time.

Reportedly, Kate has been trying to get some moves down “under a shroud of security” at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in L.A.

She said, “I want to laugh at myself, I so cannot dance.” That’s funny, Kate, because we want to laugh at you, too. There will be plenty of time for that when the show makes its premiere on March 22nd.

And tonight, we’ll get to hear the list of contestants for this season of the show after The Bachelor. I hope they don’t get all d-list has-beens.

Who do you want to see competing on the show?

Kate Gosselin

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