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Katie Price

It was the kind of welcome that you'd expect for an A-list Hollywood superstar.

But the celebrity who arrived to Los Angeles last night to a frenzy of flashbulbs and an astonishing army of photographers was, in fact, our very own Katie Price.

The reality star was mobbed by hordes of snappers as she made her way through LAX Airport, before battling her way through the scrum and into a waiting car.


Where's Wally? Katie Price, circled, was mobbed by photographers as she arrived at Los Angeles LAX Airport last night

Katie Price

Making an entrance: Katie was flanked by stylist Gary Cockerill and beautician pal Julie Williams

While the 31-year-old mother of three may have been wearing her best poker face as she made her way through the mêlée, make no mistake, inside she would have been positively delighted all eyes were on her.

The attention-seeking star was accompanied by hair stylist Gary Cockerill and her beautician pal Julie Williams.

They too appeared to be revelling in the riotous trip through the airport, clinging on to Katie like a pair of make-shift bodyguards.

Katie Price

Welcome to Hollywood: The reality star was greeted by an astonishing army of photographers, receiving the kind of attention that not even Victoria Beckham would command on her regular jaunts through the airport

Katie Price
Katie Price

Mobbed: Katie's friends Gary and Julie acted like make-shift bodyguards

But whatever your opinion about the fame-hungry Jordan, no one can dispute her arrival into LA last night commanded the kind of attention that not even Victoria Beckham would get on her regular trips through the airport.

However, with the insatiable appetite in Britain for news of her daily shenanigans, it is her celebrity this side of the water which is driving demand for the pictures.

In Hollywood she is a relative nobody - but picture agencies know photos of her are worth money back in the UK.

Katie made her transatlantic trip to join new cagefighter husband Alex Reid, who is filming a documentary there about martial arts.


Home and dry: She and her entourage makes it into a waiting car

She touched down still wearing the animal print leggings and bushy fake fur coat that she left London's Heathrow in yesterday.

It is understood the children - Harvey, 7, who was born to footballer Dwight York, along with Junior, 4, and Princess, 2 - have stayed at home with her ex-husband Peter Andre.

Yesterday it was revealed that Katie has forced Reid, 34, to sack his manager of 12 years, Chris Herbert, insisting she can do a better job at masterminding his career.


Don't forget the luggage: Price's bags, one of which appears to have popped open, is carted through arrivals

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