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Myleene Klass

With her slender figure clad in a flattering marine green gown, Myleene Klass looked right at home on the red carpet at the Oscars.

But while the TV presenter is now a trim size 8, she has admitted that she struggles to stay that way, and has been every size up to a 16.

'People look at me and think I'm a perfect size 8, but I'm not naturally slim,' she said.

'I've got a mixed heritage and have hips and boobs - I'm always going to be a big girl trapped in a small girl's body!'

Talking to this week's Closer magazine, Myleene explained that at her heaviest she went to extreme lengths to hide her body.

Myleene Klass

In great shape: Myleene Klass at the Oscars; she jokingly says she is a 'big girl trapped in a thin girl's body'

'I remember performing in Hear'Say at the Brits in 2001 and I had to undo the button on my size 14 trousers because they were too tight.

'I had cellulite on my arms and permanently wore a jumper around my waist to hide my bum.

'I even had a perm at one point because I thought that would help me look smaller.'

Myleene used to indulge in her favourite foods - pasta and pesto with cheese, followed by chocolate bars.

Now she eats healthily, with a typical day being scrambled eggs or Cheerios for breakfast, sushi, salad or a wrap for lunch and pasta for dinner.

But even as a size 8 the 31-year-old finds fault with her figure.

'I look at pictures of me in a bikini and wish my legs were lean and gazelle-like but I build muscle easily, and I can look like Rambo so I have to be careful not to overdo exercise.

'I'm like all women - I've got cellulite and I'll never be perfect but I try to make the best of what I've got. I'm also an emotional eater so I have to be careful or I could easily overeat and put on weight.'

Myleene Klass

Weight struggles: Myleene shooting an advertising campaign for Marks & Spencers in Barbados last week, left, and performing with Hear'Say in 2001

Myleene keeps in shape by playing with daughter Ava and walking a lot.

'I do sit-ups and other exercises to get my belly sorted,' she added.

But Myleene doesn't let her body worries take over.

'I'd rather someone wrote that I've got fat thighs than that I can't look after my daughter because I'm too emaciated.'


Breathe in: When she performed at the Brits Myleene had to undo a button on her size 14 trousers

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