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Vinegar is poured into the hair, massaged into the scalp, and left to dry for a few minutes.

Then the hair is washed.

The process is repeated daily until the dandruff disappears, usually within a few days.
Natural ways to cure dandruff::

Dandruff can be easily cured by adopting some natural remedies. Explore your kitchen and you will find many solutions to cure dandruff right there. Following are some simple remedies to get rid of dandruff naturally.
  • Soak a spoon of fenugreek seeds in water overnight and then grind it into a fine paste in the morning. Apply it all over the scalp and rinse it off after half an hour

  • Add a teaspoon of lime juice into the mug full of water and rinse you hair with this solution immediately after washing your hair

  • Boil beetroot in water and apply the solution to the scalp with a cotton ball every night before going to bed

  • Massage your hair gently with curd and rinse after half an hour

  • Apply a mix of lime juice and amla juice to the scalp. Keep it overnight and wash next day

  • Rinse your hair with one part Cider vinegar diluted with three parts of water

  • Massage your scalp gently with warm coconut oil twice a week

  • Apply Aloe Vera gel all over the scalp for half an hour before taking a bath

  • Massage the scalp with olive oil and keep it overnight

  • Mix a tablespoon of limejuice and crushed garlic. Apply it all over the scalp and rinse after 10-15 minutes

  • Soak a few neem leaves in hot water, filter, cool and rinse your hair with this water

  • Apply onion juice all over the scalp and wash it off after half an hour with shampoo
  • Other than these remedies, ingredients such as honey, brandy, rosemary leaves, henna, carrots, salt, tea leaves and egg white are also found beneficial to cure dandruff.

Other Methods of getting rid of dandruff

Commercial dandruff shampoos

Here I will list the active ingredients used in the most common anti-dandruff shampoos and explain what they do. Make sure you read the labels when shopping for a particular ingredient since the same brand often produces similar products with different ingredients. Always follow the instructions on the labels.

Ahhh, that's better

Zinc pyrithione

(Head & Shoulders classic, Pert Plus dandruff control)

Zinc pyrithione, or Zinc omadine is an anti-fungal and antibacterial agent that is most commonly used to fight the dandruff caused by yeasts and fungi. Once you begin using this treatment, stopping will often cause dandruff to return worse than before treatment began.


(Nizoral AntiDandruff shampoo)

Ketoconazole is an anti-fungal drug used to treat dandruff caused by yeasts and fungi. Dandruff usually returns after treatment is stopped.

Selenium sulfide

(Selsun blue, Head & Shoulders Intensive)

Selenium sulfide is an anti-fungal agent used to treat dandruff caused by yeasts and fungi. In the US, 1% solutions can be purchased over-the-counter and 2.5% solutions are available by prescription. Dandruff often returns when treatment is stopped.

Coal tar

(Ionil-T, Neutrogena T/Gel Therapeutic)

Coal tar is a liquid by-product of the distillation of coal. It is used in shampoos meant to treat head lice and psoriasis. Be warned, coal tar is on the NIOSH carcinogen list as a potential cancer-causing agent.

Salicylic acid


Salicylic acid based shampoos are used to help the scalp shed excess skin more easily, which in turn helps to keep skin pores from getting clogged.

Home remedies

There are tons of home brew dandruff cures out there, every family likely knows of a different one that they will swear by to cure dandruff. Here I’ll list some of the most commonly recommended concoctions.

Hawiian Tea Tree Leaves

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has an anti-fungal quality and can be mixed into lotions, oils and shampoos. Massage the mixture into the scalp and let it sit for 15 minutes prior to rinsing clean.

Coneflower and red clover extracts

Aveda has a product named “Scalp Remedy” that is growing in popularity. It contains both coneflower and red clover extracts, comes with a dropper and is applied directly to the scalp after you shower.

Oil soaks

Scalp massages with moisturizing oils an hour or so before bathing are said to rejuvenate a dry scalp. Skin lotions will likely work as well.

Vinegar rinses

Some people have reported success after rinsing their hair with white or apple cider vinegar prior to bathing. It may have something to do with correcting your hair’s PH balance.

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