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The most kissable lip look? The same one that's pretty any time: your natural shade with a kick.

Step 1: Prep
Smooth lips with lip balm. Avoid slick products, such as Vaseline or anything else petroleum-based (they will make the lipstick slide off).

Instead, apply a waxy balm, such as Chapstick, and massage into lips with your finger tips. Then let it sink in for a few minutes.

Step 2: Pick Your Stick
Grab one that lets lips show through, such as a sheer lipstick or light gloss.

Apply...LIPSTICK straight from the tube. Blend into lips and along your lip line with fingertip.

Apply LIP GLOSS with the wand or a lip brush. Smooth out with your fingertip. http://www.easygrooming.com/image/kissmelips.jpg

Step 3: Blot
When you are finished applying color, lightly kiss the back of your hand. This will get rid of excess product without cutting down on the sheen. Then, gently smack your lips together to even out the color one last time. Pucker up!
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  1. hufffffffffffffffff..!!! haawwwttt

    Posted on February 12, 2009 at 7:00 AM

  2. achal Said,

    moffffffffffffff fusssssss

    Posted on February 15, 2009 at 4:57 AM


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