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Nine out of ten people have dark circles under their eyes at one time or another. There are some things you can definitely do to minimize the darkness and bring out the brightness in your eyes.
People who were born with sharp nose (high nose bridge) and deep-set eyes will naturally have there eye circles appearing dark (look at the indians for example. Most of them will appear to have dark circles).
Effective Way::
you will need plastic surgery to flatten the nose bridge, and push up the eye sockets to make the dark circles disappear.

People who were born to have genuine dark circles.
Effective Way::
you need some relatively lighter shade of makeup foundation to conceal the dark circles.

People who suffer from long period of insomnia - lack of adequate rest and sleep.
Effective Way::
medical/psychiatric treatment has to be sought to treat the insomnia. Once this person gets to sleep normally, his/her dark circles will automatically go.

People who do too much Mastrubation( Male/Female) .
Effective Way::
the person can only help himself/herself to avoid staying too late to the wee hours.

How can their cream remove them? It’s just absurd.
it is a problem with hormonal imbalance, and requires medical treatment. At times the body’s hormonal system can get back to normal on its own over time, and the dark circles gradually disappear on its own. Eye massage will also help to improve conditions (2), (3), (4), and (this) to some extent, by way of stimulating and enhancing blood circulation.

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