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Nicole KidmanNicole Kidman has revealed she had a recent cancer scare.The actress said she found a spot on her forehead that she had surgically removed.And she got a biopsy - but it turned out to be benign.She said: "It wasn't anything, but it was important to do because skin cancer is on the rise."The Moulin Rouge star said she has become more vigilant about her health after giving birth to daughter Sunday Rose in July 2008.

Nicole, 42, said: "My health is not for me, it's for my daughter. When you have a child later in life, you have to stay strong. I want to be able to run around and do everything with her."

Nicole's mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1984 when the actress was 17.

She said in 2004: "I was with her through her battle with it when I was 17 years old.

"I think that imprinted on me for the rest of my life.

"Seeing her go through that pain and also seeing her strength and her grace gave me my commitment to this cause for the rest of my life."

Nicole Kidman Pictures

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