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Kathryn BigelowTHE intense Iraq war drama The Hurt Locker is the Academy Awards’ best picture and its director Kathryn Bigelow is the first woman to win the Oscar for best director.

“Well, the time has come,” presenter Barbra Streisand said before announcing Bigelow’s name

“There’s no other way to describe it, it’s the moment of a lifetime,” Bigelow said.

The bomb squad drama filmed in Jordan topped the night with six Academy Awards and denied the highest-grossing film of all time, Avatar, the top prizes.

James Cameron’s sci-fi extravaganza won three Academy Award wins with Up, Precious and Crazy Heart scoring two each.

The major categories went to script with favourites Sandra Bullock and Jeff Bridges winning the top acting prizes.

Bullock’s win was her first Academy Award. The comedic actress and major box office draw won for her portrayal of southern woman who cares for a homeless boy who becomes an NFL footballer.

“Did I really earn this or did I just wear you all down?” she said.

She attributed her award to “The moms that take care of the babies and the children no matter where they come from” including her own mother, Helga Bullock

Bullock also has the dubious honour of being the only person to win an Oscar and Razzie for worst performance in the same year.

Kathryn Bigelow

Jeff Bridges has won his first Academy Award on his fifth nomination. The American actor won for his portrayal of washed-up country singer Bad Blake in the film Crazy Heart. His first nomination was in 1971 for The Last Picture Show.

“Thank you mum and dad for turning me onto such a groovy profession,” the overjoyed winner said of his parents Lloyd and Dorothy Dean Bridges.

“They loved showbiz so much…this is honouring them just as much as honouring me,” he added after receiving a standing ovation.

The ceremony hosted by Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin was an erratic affair notable for its obvious focus on young stars and burdened by clips from the ten best picture nominees.


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