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Every woman has a desire to have fully developed breast, which are a very important significance of her womanhood. Developed breast increase the beauty of a woman but all women are not blessed with them. Breast is tissues, which developed when a girl comes in the age of puberty and breast, produce milk when a woman delivers her baby to feed the child with. But besides producing milk they have become a feature of woman's beauty since ancient times.

Woman who don't get fully developed breast naturally go for breast implant to get the shape and size they want. Many actresses and models get the breast surgery done to get the perfect look and fitting on clothes.

Woman who can't afford the surgery can try some simple exercises to fill the breast. These breast exercises push the breast out and make them appear larger and toned. Woman who gets saggy loose breast after feeding the child or childbirth too can get their breast tighter with the help of massage and exercise.

  • Joint both your palms together in front of the chest and put pressure. It develops the breast.
  • Showering hot and cold water on the breasts one after another too enhances the size.
  • Pushing wall with both the hands and pushing yourself back and front with the support of the wall helps the chest muscle become strong and increases the size of the breast.
  • Massaging breast with olive oil or ant breast cream clockwise and anti-clockwise is helpful in enhancing the shape and size of the breast.
  • Swimming is a perfect exercise in toning, shaping and increasing the size of the breast.

One should eat healthy diet to keep the breast tight and in good size. http://www.yourweightlosseasy.com/images/bust_lift_crisscross_1.jpg

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1 Comment

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    Posted on January 28, 2010 at 4:54 AM


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