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Adnan SamiIt seems luck is not favouring Adnan Sami as far as marital bliss is concerned. He has married twice in the past but none of his marriages worked. Now, he’s apparently been third time unlucky.

Adnan was to marry his long time family friend Roya on January 31. The wedding was to take place in Munich, where Roya, who is of Afghan descent, stays with her family.

The cards had been distributed and the couple even flew to Germany on Jan 28. However, at the last minute the wedding got cancelled. The reasons for the same have not been made public.

With no one else speaking on the topic, Azaan, Adnan’s son from his first wife, just said there were some formalities which could not be completed before the wedding. Hence the wedding has been postponed.

He also said that the couple is very much together and will stay in Germany till they get married.

Adnan and Roya
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