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Victoria BeckhamShe seems to have been jetting between Los Angeles and London more frequently than ever in recent months, so it's perhaps no surprise that Victoria Beckham is feeling the strain.

The former Spice Girl looked exhausted as she left a meeting in London earlier this week and bore a striking resemblance to Lord of the Ring's character Gollum as she hunched over the passenger seat with her hands clasped over her mobile phone.

The 35-year-old, who was sporting a headband and what appeared to be a faux fur jacket, quickly covered up her tired eyes with oversized sunglasses before making a less than glamorous exit.

Creepy: Victoria Beckham bore a striking resemblance to The Lord of the Ring's Gollum as she hunched over in the back of her car with her hands clasped over her mobile phone

Creepy: Victoria Beckham bore a striking resemblance to The Lord of the Ring's Gollum as she hunched over the passenger seat of her car

Her latest London visit comes after as she made a second guest appearance on American Idol.

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