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Beatrice Chirita

I believe I’ve expressed my love for the Romanian women contingency at some point in the past. Not only is Romania my native country (well, my background country), but they also have really awesome gymnasts which is a great perk. Oh and yes, they also have Beatrice Chirita.

Honestly do you know of one hot girl named Beatrice? I’m not sure if I like this about Europe or hate it. They still use really crappy names over there. I mean who the hell is Beatrice?

Well, I don’t care what her name is because she’s exotic, tall, and has no qualms about getting super sexy.

Beatrice Chirita

More of Beatrice after the jump

Beatrice Chirita Beatrice Chirita Beatrice Chirita Beatrice Chirita Beatrice Chirita Beatrice Chirita Beatrice Chirita Beatrice Chirita Beatrice Chirita

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