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Debreczeni ZitaThis first sentence is far and away the only time I will choose to type the name Debreczeni Zita. First of all, how the hell do you even pronounce that? Debra Scen Ee? I guess.

Unfortunately I don’t have that much info on Debbie but she’s been in magazines such as FHM and Maxim and even though she’s not that well-known internationally she has a big following in Hungary.

Something tells me that she’ll gain a bit more of a following in the U.S. shortly. Well, if she takes her top off she will.

Debraczeni Zita

More of Zita after the jump

Debraczeni Zita Debraczeni Zita Debraczeni Zita Debraczeni Zita Debraczeni Zita Debraczeni Zita Debraczeni Zita Debraczeni Zita Debraczeni Zita

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