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Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson went out on the town Tuesday night to catch up with former flame, Dane Cook. The singer caught Dane’s act at The Laugh Factory and was said to be “all smiles”.

An eyewitness said, “She came in to see Dane with two girls and two guys. They snuck her into the back door right before the show began, and she sat at a table on the floor level.”

Dane was obviously happy to see her there and had a server bring over a round of drinks for Jessica’s table. Afterward, he invited her backstage.

The snitch said, “After the first round of drinks, the waitress went over and said, ‘This round is on Dane.’ Jessica seemed so excited.”

Once the show was over, she was taken to the VIP area where she flirted with Dane and had more drinks. The snitch added, “The staff left, but Jessica, Dane and her four friends stayed in the VIP section after hours. Jessica didn’t tip the waitress at all! Dane paid for the first round of drinks and then the Laugh Factory comped the rest of the check….But she’s still supposed to leave a tip, and she didn’t leave anything.”

How much do you want to bet that our snitch here is the waitress that got stiffed??

Jessica Simpson & Dane Cook

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