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Myleene Klass

Myleene Klass was determined to make the most of her last few hours in Barbados yesterday, and set about having some fun in the sand with a bucket and spade.

The 31-year-old singer, who was on the Caribbean island shooting a new campaign for Marks & Spencer, looked delighted as she frolicked on the beach with a child's blue bucket set.

And the unusual accessory worked perfect with the sexy black bikini she modelled with a matching black sarong on the shoot.

Myleene Klass

Myleene Klass spends her last day with a bucket and spade on the beach

Myleene Klass
Myleene Klass

The singer accessorised her black bikini with a golden tan and child's beach toy

Myleene looked happy and appeared to be struggling to contain a fit of the giggles at points during the photoshoot, which saw her pose with props including the bucket set and a pair of dark sunglasses.

After a series of shots taken of Myleene with the waves around her feet, the singer stood in a series of alluring positions before again breaking down laughing with her photographer.

The TV presenter will no longer star in the M&S fashion campaigns after Dannii Minogue was announced as the new face of Marks & Spencer earlier this month.

But she will work on a number of projects for the High Street store, including M&S Money and M&S Online TV.

Myleene Klass
Myleene Klass

Myleene attempts to look alluring for the camera, peering sexily over her sunglasses, before...

Myleene Klass

Breaking down in fits of giggles as her photographer takes pictures

But the fun is over for Myleene now, as she was pictured at the airport in Barbados yesterday waiting for a flight back to London.

Clearly eager to see her two-year-old daughter Ava and fiance Graham Quinn, Myleene rushed through the airport wearing a somehwat bizarre combination of a long black dress, flowered hat and Converse All-Star trainers.

Myleene Klass
Myleene Klass

What a difference a day makes: Myleene wore black Converse trainers with a long black dress and a straw hat with a flower to travel in

Myleene had sported a range of different coloured bikinis during her photoshoot this week.

On Monday, following Friday's final of Popstar To Operastar, the celebrity talent show she hosted, she started the day in a white number and blue sarong before changing into a pink one for some more poses.

But there was one commonality between alll the ensembles - the colourful sarongs used to higlights the colours in the sexy two-pieces.

Klass act: Myleene was back in yet more bikinis as she shot an ad campaign for Marks & Spencer on a stunning Barbados beach

Earlier in the week, as parts of the UK were again blanketed with snow, Myleene frolicked on the beach in a leopard-print two-piece.

But as she stood in the surf and flaunted her lithe physique, she was unaware of a huge wave building up and crashing towards her.

As she ventured a little deeper into the clear blue water Myleene was caught out by the powerful surge that whipped the top half of her bikini clean off.

Thankfully - or not for her male admirers - she managed to protect her dignity before holidaymakers copped an eyeful.

Myleene braces herself for another huge wave

Myleene braces herself for another huge wave


She shows off the enviable figure that won her the M&S campaign

Maybe the malfunction wouldn't have happened if she'd been wearing an M&S bikini, many of which she has modelled in recent years.

A fashion insider said: 'I'm surprised she's not wearing an M&S bikini, given the amount of money it pays her.

'M&S does have a leopard print bikini, but this is certainly not it. She may not be contracted to wear its bikinis, but such photographs are hardly likely to please them.'

Myleene Klass looks stunning on a beach in Barbados

The wave came crashing down on Myleene, causing her to nearly lose her t0p

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