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Daisy Lowe

Being a trendsetter can be a risky business.

But the youthful model Daisy Lowe managed to pull off a daring bandage-style dress with great aplomb at last night's Elle Style Awards.

Luckily for Daisy she managed to keep her dignity in the white bra top, which she wore with a blue sparrow print skirt and cat print shrug.

Daisy Lowe at the Elle Style Awards 2010 at The Grand Connaught Rooms in London

Risking disaster: Daisy Lowe at the Elle Style Awards 2010 at The Grand Connaught Rooms in London

But while the outfit might have been daring, it was positively demure for underwear model Daisy, who was accompanied by her mother Pearl Lowe at the event.

The 21-year-old, who has a reputation for being a hellraiser, often shows off her figure in barely there outfits.

Daisy Lowe
Daisy Lowe

Daring: Daisy's wrap around top could have caused problems for the model

She posed nude for a magazine last year, causing her mother to express her disapproval, and other shoots have included the Pirelli calendar - for which she simply wore a tire.

Daisy recently returned to live in London from the U.S., after admitting living there had left her homesick.

She moved to New York to further her career, but said she failed to make new friends and was 'lonely'.

Daisy Lowe

Daisy Lowe

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