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Priyanka chopraPriyanka Chopra's been saying for a while now that her role in Vishal Bharadwaj's 'Saat Khoon Maaf' is her most challenging yet. And looks like the challenge extends to her weight as well. The actress had to put on a lot of weight for the movie, and now that the shooting is almost done, she's in a rush to lose it all.

Priyanka confessed on her Twitter page, "I've been on a put-on-some-serious-weight kinda diet for SKM..yuck!I feel so unhealthy! Now that the films almost over, I plan on hitting the gym with a vengeance.. And coming from me that's a feat in itself.. Cuz I hate gyms!! Aaaarrrggghh!!"

So how serious is PC about this 'Let's hit the gym and lose weight' resolution? "Just up!! It's 4 in the morning..ive hardly slept man! Back to the spooky room in my hotel.. And I went to metropole last nite and ate n ate." Not the best of starts, Prinks. But we wish you luck for the future!

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