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Neha DhupiaNeha Dhupia enjoys roles that are different from the usual heroine parts, sample her work in ‘Ek Chalis Ki Last Local’ and ‘Mithya’. But her latest part definitely takes the cake when it comes to being ‘zara hatke’. Neha’s playing dictator Adolf Hitler’s mistress (and some say his wife) Eva Braun in 'Dear Friend Hitler', a movie based on their relationship. Guess who’s playing Hitler? It’s Anupam Kher!

Apparently the movie being made by director Rakesh Ranjan Kumar will show the last days of the dictator's life, and how his relationships with those close to him changed during that time.

There’s always been a lot of speculation about Hitler and Eva Braun’s relationship, and Neha is reportedly doing a lot of research into her character for the movie.

We think Anupam Kher might look like Hitler with the right make-up but Neha as Eva? We’ll be waiting to see how she does it

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