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Lonely Gwyneth

Her long-distance marriage to Coldplay frontman Chris Martin seems to be taking its toll on Gwyneth Paltrow.

The actress is currently filming in Nashville, while he is in London looking after their children, Apple and Moses.

According to sources on the set of Love Don’t Let Me Down, Gwyneth, 37, has been comfort eating and piling on the pounds.

According to sources on the set of Love Don't Let Me Down, Gwyneth, 37, has been comfort eating and piling on the pounds
Tim McGraw is seen performing on NBC's 'Today' at Rockefeller Center in New York

Gwyneth, 37, has been comfort eating and piling on the pounds and confiding in co-star Tim McGraw

She has also been confiding in her co-star, country music singer Tim McGraw, 42.

‘Gwyneth and Tim have become very close,’ says a source. He’s married and older than her, but he’s a good sounding board. In recent weeks her macrobiotic diet has gone out of the window.’

But Gwyneth’s spokesman denied her time away filming was causing any problems.

He said: ‘She has been back in Nashville for only two-and-a-half weeks – she was in London for a week before that.’

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