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Ben StillerEveryone loves them some Ben Stiller. It’s a fact.

Name: Ben Stiller

Best known for: Night at the Museum, Madagascar

Kids: daughter Ella Olivia, son Quinlin Dempsey,

Likes: breakdance fighting, penguins and the people in his neighborhood

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Actor Ben Stiller acts as the master of ceremonies for the Clinton Global Citizen Awards at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York

Ben Stiller with Beauty

Ben StillerBen Stiller short Hairstyles
Ben StillerBen Stiller
Ben StillerBen Stiller in Black Suit
Ben StillerBen Stiller random Hairstyle
Ben StillerBen Stiller

Ben StillerBen Stiller and his Date

Ben Stiller attends the "Get Schooled" conference and premiere hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Viacom in Los Angeles
Actor Ben Stiller (L), American Idol winner Kris Allen, and Wal-Mart CFO Tom Schoewe (R) pose for cameras at the Wal-Mart Shareholders Meeting in Fayetteville, Arkansa
Actor Ben Stiller (L) sits with actress Jessica Alba in the audience at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York
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