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Megan Fox

I’m a “mood” guy when it comes to women. What that means is whenever I see a hot chick of a certain type (no matter what type) I then tend to gravitate towards that type for a little while until someone else catches my eye. It’s kind of like porn. Some days you might be into lesbian stuff whereas others you might be into some really sick stuff you don’t want to share with others.

Today? Today I’m into tall chicks. For no reason other than the fact that I just saw pictures of some female with extremely long legs and I couldn’t help imagine those legs wrapped around….my best friend. You know, I’m married and all so I don’t have those thoughts about myself.

Perhaps I’ll get to a “short” list someday but for now, here are the top 15 hottest chicks over 6ft tall.

Amelia Vega - 6′1

Amelia Vega

Ana Ivanovic - 6′1


Jennie Finch - 6′1


Candace Parker - 6′4


Gabrielle Reece - 6′4


Maria Sharapova - 6′2


Delisa Varik - 6′2


Natalia Bush - 6′2


Natasha Stefanenko - 6′1


Brigitte Nielsen (In her Prime) - 6′1


Uma Thurman - 6′0


Victoria Silvstedt - 5′11 borderline 6′0 so she passes


Meghan Gardler - 6′0


Claudia Lampe - 6′2


Lauren Jackson - 6′5

Lauren Jackson

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1 Comment

  1. Unknown Said,

    Kaylen Christensen is 6'0 1/2" or 6'1" in her bare feet. She sometimes wears 6 or 7 inch stilettos that she towers over her 6'4" brothers Tove and Hayden. She was 5'10" when she was 17 years old. She reached her adult height when she was 20 or 21 years old. Most girls stop growing when they are 16 or 17 years old. People in her family stop growing at a later age.

    Posted on September 8, 2010 at 11:58 PM


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